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Read our Twitter recap of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mike Mullen, and the coauthors of a report backing repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee.
- Sessions: "Clearly to me," the Witt case should hv been appealed to the Supreme Court and you would have gotten a decision affirming #dadt
- Sen. Sessions making conspiracy theory case that Obama admin didn't appeal #DADT cases to SCOTUS b/c they wanted leverage for legis repeal
- Johnson: "By 1953, 95% of the forces were integrated but buses in Montgomery were not." #dadt
- Sen McCaskill asks for comparison of attitudes when racial integration went under Truman in '48. Johnson sez 70-80% objected
- Johnson on court trends: Johnson: "there is a trend that is taking place since the Lawrence decision that we need to be mindful of"
- Gates on referendum quest: "That's not the way our military has ever worked" ... and "is a very dangerous path" #DADT
More on next page...
- GATES: "I can't think of a single precedent in American history of doing a referendum of the forces on a policy issue" #dadt
Gates on potential court order: We would have "zero time to prepare
& it was effective globally...and has a very high risk to the force"
- Gates on benefit, worries about "diluting the quality of those benefits if we created a new benefit for all single people" #DADT
- Gates objects to 1 report suggestion that new benefits be added for gays or straights who are not married but have partners #DADT
Jeh Johnson notes: "Predictions are reflective of attitudes"-even in
Marine combat units, when pple served with gays, their skepticism faded
- Gates adds that he thinks there's two considerations: 1. The "risk of the courts" and 2. "if not now, when?"
- Gates predicts: I think you'll hear from chiefs that "they do have high regard for the review and implementation plan" #DADT
- Sen. Thune notes objections from Gen. Amos, asks how we can repeal without support of service chiefs #DADT
5 min break: gen assessment, all 4 witnesses v. strong on repeal &
rebutting criticism of report. even Ham now supports #DADT
- Webb: This is really "the most vital" piece of information we have as to how to move forward on repeal. #DADT
- Sen. Jim Webb: "This is really in my view, an incredible piece of work." (343-page report) #DADT
Sen Susan Collins: "the report does convey a sense of the service
members thinking about repealing the law" even if not asked directly
- GATES ON CERTIFICATION: personal approach is that until all the traning is complete, "I would not sign the certification."
Mullen to Inhofe: "It was an extraordinarily positive response... more
than statistically significant in all the key categories" #DADT
- Sen. Inhofe worries that only 28% of troops responded to survey (that was about 115,000 people, btw)
Kenya PM Takes Back Gay Threats: Kenyan prime minister Raila Odinga
denied that he plans to call for the a... https://tinyurl.com/2frxqkp
Lieberman: "#DADT is a stain on the US military that we have an
opportunity to remove in this session of congress and I hope we do"
Mullen: We're an inst. that values integrity & then we ask other
people to join us, work w/ us, fight w/ us, die w/ us and lie about it...
- Lieberman, Amer now knows "That It's just wrong to be discriminating against people based on their sexual orientation."
- Gates was talking about losing soldiers from the special forces based on #DADT repeal.
Gates: "I don't think any of us expect that the #s would be anything
like what the survey suggests" based on experience of other countries
McCain stopped questioning Ham, moves to Gates. Is now focused on the
combat troops who expressed more trepidation about repeal
- Gen Ham: "Yes sir, I think it is time to change." (this is key testimony from Ham, who has not personally supported repeal)
- McCain asks Ham if it's time to repeal: It is my personal view that I'm very concerned about the timing of the courts... #DADT
- Levin asks Gen. Ham if he can implement repeal as head of troops in Europe: "Mr. Chairman, I'm confident that I can" #DADT
- Johnson says the study has been "revised" in certain places based on chief's input. #dadt
- Levin asks all witnesses (Ham, Johnson, Mullen, Gates) if they have carefully considered the views of the service chiefs #DADT
- Mullen to Levin: I have spent a great deal of time with the service chiefs since the beginning of the year #DADT
- Gates offers to stay another 30 mins. Questioning will now be 6 mins for each Sen.
- Mullen: I find the argument that war is not the time to change to be antithetical with our own experience since 2001 #DADT
- JEH JOHNSON (study cochair): Asks that Congress "not leave our military's fate on this issue in the hands of the courts" #DADT
- Mullen: I've been serving with gays & lesbians my whole career - we never missed a mission, never failed to deliver ordnance on target
- Mullen: What was my personal opinion is now my professional opinion #DADT
- Adm. Mullen: I'm convinced that repeal of the law governing #DADT is the right thing to do
Gates: I believe this has become a matter of some urgency ... it is only a
matter of time b/f the courts are again brought into the fray
- Sec. Gates: This can be done and it should be done without posing a serious risk to combat readiness. #DADT
- Sen. Levin opens Sen Armed Services Committee hearing by calling the Pentagon working study of #DADT repeal
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