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gop primary

N.C. Republican gubernatorial hopeful Mark Robinson used clumsy euphemism in place of antigay slur (exclusive)

The North Carolina Republican lieutenant governor and gubernatorial hopeful has a long record of making dehumanizing, transphobic and homophobic posts on social media. Donald Trump has called Robinson "better" than Martin Luther King Jr.

Donald Trump's Tucker Carlson Interview: Here's What Happened

As insane as anticipated, it was 45 minutes of Trump grievances, misinformation, insults, and lies.

Your GOP Primary Guide

Your GOP Primary Guide

Anti-LGBTQ+ Kari Lake Wins Arizona GOP Primary for Governor

Lake recently attacked drag queens as "groomers" and dangerous for children.

'Bathroom Bill' Mastermind Wins N.C. GOP House Primary

Dan Bishop, who thinks Democrats promote socialism and infanticide, is running in a special election after a previous vote was scrapped due to fraud.

Donald Trump Knows What Republicans Are Thinking

The entire GOP primary might be about beliefs no one is willing to talk about.

House Candidate Gets Heat for Supporter's Racist, Anti-LGBTQ+ Video

The video, calling racial minorities "the devil" and LGBTQ+ people "queers," has become an issue in a Virginia GOP primary.

Breitbart Cuts Ties with Paul Ryan's Anti-Semitic 'Pro-White' Primary Opponent

Ryan's 2018 "pro-white" GOP primary opponent Paul Nehlen went too far even for Breitbart. 

Colorado Republican who called LGBTQ+ people 'godless groomers' loses his primary​

Dave Williams, chair of the Colorado GOP, lost his primary after a campaign email and tweet calling to "burn all Pride flags."

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis exits Republican presidential race, backs Donald Trump

The Florida governor came in a distant second in Iowa to former President Donald Trump and is polling a distant third ahead of the New Hampshire primary.

Maddow Reveals Why Trump Will Take Super Tuesday

The out MSNBC anchor unpacks how the GOP created the monster that is Trump, then secured his electoral success.

Homophobe Gordon Klingenschmitt Wins Colo. State Rep Primary

The outrageously antigay Klingenschmitt will be the Republican candidate for a state House seat from Colorado Springs.

Cabin Fever

The gay and lesbian organization Log Cabin Republicans has decided to sit out the Republican primary by not endorsing a candidate. Why aren't they backing Rudy Giuliani, the most pro-gay Republican White House contender in history?

Study: Pro-Marriage Lawmakers Get Reelected Way More Often Than Not

As more states consider votes over marriage equality, it might be helpful to look back at what it does to reelection prospects.

'Bathroom Bill' Sponsor Wins North Carolina Congressional Seat

Dan Bishop, who as a state legislator took the lead on the infamous House Bill 2, defeated LGBTQ-friendly Democrat Dan McCready in a special election Tuesday.

West Virginia governor’s race is a battle of who can be the most anti-trans

The final weeks of the gubernatorial contest have featured a series of one-upmanship ads about who will be the most anti-trans governor.

Giuliani says there's a 'good chance' he'll run for president

He keeps an itinerary that has all the earmarks of a full-fledged presidential candidate: South Carolina this weekend, New Hampshire the one before. And Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor, says he's leaning toward that possibility.