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new hampshire

Republicans running for governor are some of the most extremist candidates in the country. Here they are

The Advocate reviewed the anti-LGBTQ+ records of some of the country’s most prominent GOP candidates for governor. It's not pretty...or accepting.

Neo-Nazi who protested drag shows has been arrested on child porn charges

Stephen Thomas Farrea of Portsmouth, R.I., had been seen at many protests held by the Nationalist Social Club-131, a neo-Nazi organization.

New Hampshire classroom censorship law is unconstitutional, federal judge rules

The vague law, aimed at discouraging the teaching of issues around race, sex, LGBTQ+ identity, and more, is an impediment to education, according to the judge.

New Hampshire advances trans-exclusionary sports bill

If the bill becomes law, New Hampshire would be the first northeastern state with such a statute.

Gay Democratic reps demand Pentagon resolve cases of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ dishonorable discharges

Lawmakers have pressed the Department of Defense in a new letter for faster action on injustices stemming from the DADT policy.

What will Nikki Haley, Trump’s ‘little kink’ on his quest to autocracy, do after losing New Hampshire?

After today’s New Hampshire primary, Haley will likely drop out and save herself from further humiliation, writes John Casey.

New Hampshire official quits after receiving homophobic comments about his dead gay son

Littleton Town Manager Jim Gleason quit after art commissioned by a local LGBTQ+ rights group was called "demonic" by a town leader and a resident allegedly said Gleason's son “was in hell with the devil where he belonged.”

Vivek Ramaswamy quits GOP race. Here's how transphobic he was on the campaign trail

As Ramaswamy exits the race, a look back at his transphobic rhetoric.

Trans Woman Sues 'Christian' Company Over Denial of Coverage for Transition Care

Turbocam's insurance plans exclude any coverage for this care, so Lillian Bernier is suing.

Some New Hampshire Republicans Seek to Ban Gender-Affirming Surgeries for Trans Youth

Genital surgeries are only rarely performed on minors, but the bill still gets in the way of private medical decisions, opponents say.

Democrats Introduce Bills to Create National LGBTQ+ History and Culture Museum

Legislation was introduced to establish a dedicated museum within the Smithsonian Institution, which garnered broad support from the Congressional Equality Caucus.

College Athlete Pleads Guilty to Threatening to Kill Matt Gaetz Over LGBTQ+ Rights

The New Hampshire student-athlete admitted he left the threatening voicemail after a night of drinking and scrolling through TikTok.

New Hampshire Outlaws 'LGBTQ+ Panic' Defense in Homicide Cases

Gov. Chris Sununu signed the bill to this effect last week.

Gender-Affirming Care Bans Often Modeled by Anti-LGBTQ+ Groups: Report

Their language is identical or similar to that endorsed by the Family Research Council and a newer group called Do No Harm.

'Gay Panic' Defense Ban Back on Track in New Hampshire

A bipartisan bill eliminating use of the controversial tactic was pulled last week over objections by some lawmakers.

Republicans Put 'Gay Panic' Defense Ban on Pause in New Hampshire

New Hampshire was on the brink of banning the "gay panic" defense, until the law was put on hold at the last minute.

Nikki Haley Blames Trans Visibility for Teen Girls' Suicide Ideation

The Republican presidential hopeful also said Dylan Mulvaney is "a guy, making fun of women."

Teachers Ousted From Catholic School Say Anti-LGBTQ+ Bias to Blame

Those who've recently lost their jobs at St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Dover, N.H., say it was because they're members or supporters of the LGBTQ+ community.

Anderson Cooper Receives Backlash for Supporting CNN's Trump Town Hall

The gay, experienced, well-respected news personality defended the kind of scene he’s previously criticized, say critics.

LGBTQ+ People Take Up Arms as Fears of Right-wing Hate Groups Grow

One group in New Hampshire says it is providing firearms skills to queer people so they can protect themselves.