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republican majority

Republicans Attempt to Hijack Defense Bill With Anti-Transgender Amendments​

Far-right lawmakers want to use the bill to target access to abortion, gender-affirming care, and more in the military.

Poll: Majority of Republicans Believe Press is the Enemy

Trump has convinced many Republicans that the Fourth Estate is working against them.

Gallup: Majority of Republicans Support Same-Sex Marriage

Overall support has also reached a new high.

The Republican Party's Major Policy Platform Is the Pursuit of Evil

The GOP has never been the party of bunnies and rainbows, but with Roy Moore, it's now fully embraced the Dark Side.

Majority of Republicans Say Trans People Are Making Kids Trans

That's one of the shocking-not-shocking findings in a new poll by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

POLL: Majority of Republicans Would Attend a Same-Sex Marriage

A new Reuters poll shows promising GOP support for the nuptials of loved ones marrying a same-sex partner.

Americans still support marriage equality by a vast majority — just not Republicans

More than two in three Americans still believe that marriage equality should be the law of the land, despite a slight dip in support.

Op-ed: Yes, LGBTs Can Still Find Allies With a GOP Majority

The election results may sting for some, but HRC president Chad Griffin says it's more important than ever to keep fighting on.

Trump Nominates Antigay, Antichoice Rep. Tom Price as HHS Secretary

The Republican congressman from Georgia is a major opponent of Obamacare.

GOP-Led Town Is First in Pennsylvania to Repeal LGBTQ+ Protections

The Chambersburg Borough Council had a Democratic majority when it adopted the inclusive nondiscrimination law, and now a Republican majority has repealed it.

Kentucky Passes One of Nation's Worst Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws by Veto Override

The Republican-majority House and Senate overrode Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear's veto by wide margins Wednesday.

Jon Stewart Compares Antigay Republicans to Voldemort

Not only are a majority of Republicans against marriage equality, as Jon Stewart points out, many think it's the worst thing ever.

Poll: Youth Support for Marriage Equality, Abortion Rights Offer Republican Stumbling Block

A new poll from Bloomberg confirms the ongoing trend that people under 30 overwhelmingly support marriage equality, while a majority of Republicans oppose it.

Log Cabin Republicans Endorse McCain for President

Pointing to his decision to break from the Republican majority and speak out against a federal amendment banning same-sex marriage, the Log Cabin Republicans on Tuesday officially endorsed John McCain for president, Log Cabin president Patrick Sammon announced at the Republican National Convention.

Freedom to Marry Pours $3 Million into State Marriage Battles

The group has raised $3 million ahead of schedule to help secure costly TV buys in Maine, Minnesota, and Washington, with help from major Republican donors including Paul Singer.

Log Cabin Logs Legislative Win on Safe Schools Bill in New York

Log Cabin Republicans scored a coup last week when the Republican majority in the New York State senate introduced the Safe Schools for All Students Act, which would protect kids from being bullied in public schools because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Jeff Cook, legislative adviser for Log Cabin, said it was historic to have transgender people included in what is known in Albany parlance as a "rules bill" -- a bill introduced by the majority that is automatically understood to have the assent of the majority leader. "It is the first rules bill that we know of that includes gender identity and expression in New York State," Cook said.

New York assembly passes same-sex marriage with bipartisan support

The Democratic-controlled New York State assembly passed Gov. Eliot Spitzer's bill to legalize same-sex marriage Tuesday night in a decisive 85-61 vote. Gay rights advocates hailed it as a victory even though the bill stands almost no chance of being voted on in the state senate, where Republicans hold a slim two-seat majority.

New York Senate Shakeup Might Help Move Marriage Equality

New York's Republican senate majority leader, Joseph Bruno, a 32-year institution in the state senate, announced his retirement Tuesday just as the GOP and Democrats gird for an election season that will determine the fate of the chamber and, potentially, New York's gay marriage bill. Democrats need to pick up two seats this November in order to gain control of the chamber -- something most LGBT activists wager would hasten the process of getting a same-sex marriage bill to the desk of Gov. David Paterson, who has supported marriage equality since the mid '90s. Democratic strategists said Bruno's exit raises questions about how effectively the GOP can raise money in his absence and whether they can hold certain constituencies together.

House Republicans Attack LGBTQ+ Community Through Spending Bills

They are attaching anti-LGBTQ+ amendments to every appropriations bill that's pending.

Senate Democrats urged to reject anti-LGBTQ+ measures in funding bills by coalition (exclusive)

The Human Rights Campaign and ACLU lead the charge, with 63 groups, challenging discriminatory riders in congressional budget talks.