Millions of women around the nation and around the world marched in solidarity yesterday to stand for their rights, freedoms, and to be heard. The unified message seemed to be "We know who you are, Donald Trump, and you will not get away with this." Denver David Robinson spoke to and photographed supporters at the Women's March in Washington, D.C.

Ali Dodson, of Washington D.C., is excited to be a part of history. "We've taken an unfortunate turn since November. We need to stand together at a grass roots level to make sure our voices are heard." Her message to Trump? "Don't think that just because you got elected you can take back our rights."

Becky Thompson and Katrina Whelchel, both of Charlotte, N.C. Katrina tell us, "I have young nieces; I don't want to see women's health issues and rights taken away. I have a young son that's gay, and I don't like him being afraid that he can't marry the person he wants to marry someday." Becky says, "The only thing that's necessary for evil to triumph is for good men, or women, to do nothing."

Benita, of Maryland, spoke of seeing Trump's inauguration: "It was the saddest day of my life. But we do need to move forward." About the demonstration and what she hopes Trump and his party see, "I hope [Trump supporters] realize that people don't have it as easy as they do. There are issues in the world they can't dismiss just because they are not affected by it."

Diane Slagle, from San Diego, made the decision to come to Washington right after the election, "because I'm terrified, horrified -- I'm still in denial that our country has sunk this low. Trump is a disaster, a monster, a horror. I was alive in the '60s and I remember what it was like, and I had thought we had come farther than this. We have to do everything we can to stop this man from destroying our country and possibly destroying the world."

Jonathan and Dotty, from Annapolis, Maryland came because they are "Part of the resistance." Dotty told us, "I want President Trump to know that this " -- the issues being discussed at the women's march -- " is his agenda. Not all his rhetoric, all his hate and misogyny. He needs to listen to everything that is being said today, because this is his country, and this is what he has to listen to."

Kayla hopes that by seeing the marches today that "Trump becomes a better person in regard to women."

Kelsey (left) from southern Maryland says, "I really wanted to be here and support the causes. About the Trump presidency she feels, "very afraid. Not only for me but for everybody around me." Liana, also from Maryland said, "I am LGBTQ, I am a woman, I am young. I need to know my future is safe."

Lianna Kushi of Lowell, Mass achusetts , was here, "Not only for women's rights, but to draw attention to the issue of Muslim rights and protecting the Muslim community. I think we need to be sure we don't repeat history with things like a registry, that could eventually lead to an internment. I am Japanese-American. Over 120, 000 Japanese-Americans were incarcerated in camps in the desert, and it all started with a registry."

Marco Alvarez originally from Lima, Peru, said that he is here "marching for equality, tolerance, human rights. I believe that keeping [undocumented people] away from the U.S. is not the way to go. We should be embracing minorities. I'm married, I'm gay, this is my husband, Rick." Rick Brown, from Alexandria, Virginia, is here because, "It's important to stand up for equality for everybody. This is an important time in our country, and it's scary what is happening. We can't sit on the sidelines."

Maryum and Rafa, both of Richmond, Virginia, started hearing about the event the day after the election. "It's really nice to see everyone coming together for one cause. Like, everyone's cause is equality. We're not okay with what's going on with society today, and we won't stand for what (Trump) is going to do."

Noelle Lindsay Stewart of Washington, D.C. is marching "in solidarity with the many communities who are going to be dramatically affected by the upcoming administration. I hope that for once (Trump) sees us. He can't sweep us under the rug." Kyle Stewart said that he is here for his wife, his mom, his grandma, and all the women that raised him. "I am here on their behalf."

Patrick Brown of D.C., says "I think we have a lot to lose if we lose sight of our values that we have worked so hard the last decade to [secure]. We need to stay vigilant and show our support for everyone." James McCann, also of D.C., says, "We're here supporting women, supporting our mothers, our sisters, our neighbors -- everyone who has seemed to be looked down upon by Trump."

Phylicia, from Baltimore, is here today, because she wants the Trump administration to know "that we are not going to back down. We are not going to let them take away our rights."

Shirley from Connecticut says, "I was here thirty years ago, I didn't think I would have to do this again in my lifetime. I'm in my 60s now, and I can't believe I'm here. It's shocking, empowering, I feel uplifted. I felt depressed since the election, now I I can't stop smiling." Starr is here "Because it's about love not hate. And it's about women's bodies. The violence against women is just a huge piece for me."

Sovanna Pouv, from Lowell, Massachusetts, is an American citizen of Cambodian descent and a former refugee. "I'm here today, not only to support Cambodian-American refugees and other refugee's rights but to support women's rights. Women's rights are everybody's rights."

Susan Machtinger from the San Francisco Bay Area is here "To stand up for dignity, and reasonableness, and the rights of all people. I think the most pressing issue facing us as a nation is man-made global warming. President Obama took a leadership role in this over the past eight years to come up with an agreement. Trump has threatened to back out of that agreement."