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WATCH: Conservative Pundit Claims 'Everyone's A Little Bit Bi...' Except Him

WATCH: Conservative Pundit Claims 'Everyone's A Little Bit Bi...' Except Him


Everyone's bisexual, says pundit Will Cain. Well, everyone but him, of course.

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On Wednesday, conservative pundit Will Cain claimed that everyone is "a little bit bisexual" while cohosting The View. Then he clarified that he is not bisexual, as he is happily married to a woman.

Cain, whose Twitter bio lists him as a CNN contributor and a columnist at Glenn Beck's site, made the remarks in a discussion sparked by True Blood star Anna Paquin's recent tweets about being a "Happily married bisexual mother."

"Well here's what I said earlier," Cain explained. "I think everybody is a little bit bisexual. We try to make these categories too neat and clean; gay and straight. It's probably some kind of spectrum."

Jenny McCarthy agreed with Cain that everyone is a little bisexual, while Sherri Shepherd was quick to distance herself from that label. Shepherd said felt uncomfortable being labeled as anything other than straight, and turned the statement around on Cain, asking "are you bisexual?"

"I'm not," Cain replied, laughing off the question. "That's the risk I run when I say that. But that's fine. A guy who wears boots like this, you're either gay or extremely confident straight."

"I just don't think it's neat and clean," repeated Cain, expanding on his views about the sexual orientation binary. "I think there are straight people, I think there are gay people. I think there are people in between. I think that's fine. You are who you are."

That prompted McCarthy to inquire about Cain's definition of infidelity, asking if he would "consider it cheating" if his wife slept with another woman. After Cain stated that he would "of course" consider that cheating, McCarthy asked if his view would change if he were "in the same room" during the hypothetical situation, recycling an common myth that all bisexual people are interested in threesomes.

Cain made light of the exchange on his Twitter account after the episode aired:

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