As debate over
the issue flares in several states, a major adoption
institute says in a new report that it strongly supports the
rights of gays and lesbians to adopt and urges that
remaining obstacles be removed. "Laws and policies
that preclude adoption by gay or lesbian parents
disadvantage the tens of thousands of children mired in the
foster care system who need permanent, loving homes,"
the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute says in the
report to be issued Friday.
It advises agencies and officials to make firm
statements in support of such adoptions, forsaking a
"don't ask, don't tell" approach that prompts some
gays to feel their chances of adopting hinge on being
discreet about their sexual orientation. Adoption agencies
should energetically recruit gays and lesbians,
including them in outreach programs and parenting
panels, the institute said.
The report arrives on the heels of a nationwide
poll by the Pew Research Center for the People and the
Press that found public approval of adoption by
gays is increasing. In 1999, 57% of Americans opposed
the practice and 38% approved, while the new poll found 48%
opposed and 46% in favor, with a margin of error of
three percentage points.
The divided sentiment has been reflected
recently in Massachusetts, where Catholic Charities is
ending its century-old adoption program rather than
comply with a state law banning discrimination against gays.
Florida is the only state with an outright ban on
adoption by gays. Mississippi bars gay couples, but
not single gays, from adopting; Utah requires adopting
parents to be married.
Some Florida legislators have been working
unsuccessfully thus far to modify the state's ban and
allow gay foster parents to adopt children already in
their care. Measures have surfaced in a few other states
that gay rights advocates fear would restrict adoption
by gays or undermine gay families.
In Arizona, the senate is considering a
house-passed bill that would give married couples
priority over single people in adopting children who are
in state custody. Family Pride, a national group
representing gay and lesbian families, says the bill
is discriminatory because gays cannot legally marry in
any state but Massachusetts.
In Utah, Gov. Jon Huntsman this week vetoed a
bill vigorously opposed by gay rights groups that
would have allowed biological parents to terminate
their child's relationship with third parties, such as
same-sex partners. The bill stemmed from a custody
dispute between two lesbians; the biological mother
sought to prohibit her ex-partner from visiting her daughter.
In Ohio, conservative lawmakers introduced a
bill to ban placement of an adoptive child in a
household where anyone is gay. House speaker Jon
Husted does not intend to let the bill advance to a vote,
spokeswoman Tasha Hamilton said.
The bill's chief sponsor, Rep. Ron Hood,
contends that children raised by gay parents face
increased risk of physical and emotional problems. His
concerns are shared by many conservative groups that argue
that same-sex partnerships are less stable than
heterosexual marriages.
The Donaldson study, written by Illinois State
University adoption expert Jeanne Howard, acknowledges
that research on gay parenting remains relatively
scant. "Still, virtually every valid study reaches the
same conclusion: The children of gays and lesbians adjust
positively, and their families function well," the
report says.
The report was funded by the Gill Foundation and
the Human Rights Campaign, both active in gay rights
causes. The Donaldson Institute's executive director,
Adam Pertman, said the financial sponsorship did not
influence the report's findings.
It concluded by suggesting that gay parents
could play a major role in reducing the backlog of
more than 110,000 children in foster care awaiting
adoption. (AP)