Missouri has made
strides over the last two decades in protecting the
rights of its lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual
residents, the leader of advocacy group Promo said.
"The past 20 years have made a world of difference,"
Julie Brueggemann said Wednesday at a celebration of
the group's 20th anniversary. "Even though [gay]
people can face discrimination in the workplace and there's
discrimination coming from the state in the foster care
system, I think on the whole that things are
definitely moving forward."
The group was
founded in St. Louis as the Private Education Rights
Project to work for the repeal of a state law that made
sodomy between same-sex partners a crime. In July,
three years after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled a
similar Texas law unconstitutional, the group finally got
its wish when Gov. Matt Blunt signed legislation removing
the sodomy statute from the books. "We're very happy
with the outcome," Brueggemann said. "Many of the
legislators realized this [statute] was
unconstitutional and unenforceable. We need to stand behind
what the Supreme Court said and comply with that
Promo, which
started as an all-volunteer group, now has four paid staff
members and offices in Springfield and Kansas City. Sarah
Finken, head of the Kansas City office, said the
organization has grown from 400 member households five
years ago to 1,200 households in 2006. The group also had
its own lobbyist in Jefferson City for the first time this
Challenges remain
for Promo, though. The repeal of the sodomy statute
prompted the state to drop its support of the Department of
Social Services' decision to deny a foster care
license to a lesbian from Kansas City on the basis of
her sexuality. The woman is otherwise qualified to be
a foster parent. Receiving licenses, the department said,
does not mean that gays and lesbians will have foster
children placed with them. Promo's main objective now,
however, is supporting the Missouri Non-Discrimination
"Most people
aren't aware you can be fired in Missouri because you're
gay or lesbian," said Doug Gray, a board member in Kansas
Progress is being
made, Brueggemann said, noting that nondiscrimination
policies have been passed in cities including Columbia and
Kansas City. (AP)