Marcus Bachmann's Clinics Again Caught Praying the Gay Away
Marcus Bachmann's Clinics Again Caught Praying the Gay Away
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Marcus Bachmann's Clinics Again Caught Praying the Gay Away
Marcus Bachmann's Clinics Again Caught Praying the Gay Away
Marcus Bachmann and his Christian counseling clinics are once again being outed for preforming so-called reparative therapy.
Documentary filmmaker Kristina Lapinski took a hidden pen camera with her into a counseling session at Bachmann & Associates on Thursday and wrote about the encounter on a blog affiliated with her film, Gay U.S.A. the Movie. Lapinski recounts a session with counselor Sheila Marker, who asked Lapinski to read from the Bible, then told her to follow God's road and that, "the Bible says one man one woman."
"She talked a lot about submitting to God, giving my life path over to him and letting him direct the way," Lapinski wrote. "She told me if I wanted to be happy I could 'give my problems to the Lord and he could take them away.'"
They ended the hourlong session with a prayer, and Marker "asked the Lord to take away my 'desire' and allow me to pursue a relationship with my fiance." Lapinski had told the counselor she feelings for women but was debating whether to marry a man anyway. When she admitted to the counselor that she'd never had sex with the fictional man she was to wed and that she wasn't attracted to him, the counselor said, "How can you know how it will be until you try?"
In the past, Bachmann has defended his clinics, which he owns with his wife, Rep. Michele Bachmann, saying "We don't have an agenda or a philosophy of trying to change someone." But that's exactly what not only Lapinski says happened but also what Truth Wins Out found when it sent a hidden camera along with activist John Becker into a session in July. A counselor told him some of his patients had been able to get rid of their homosexuality.
Read the complete account by Lapinski.