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Dean to Obama: End DADT Now

Dean to Obama: End DADT Now


Former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean issued an open letter to President Obama Saturday, asking for immediate action on lifting the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military.

Dean's letter was in reaction to a letter that Defense secretary Robert Gates issued to House Armed Services chair Ike Skelton on April 30, which suggests a delay in moving forward with the repeal until the Pentagon completes reviewing the law.

While Dean says he understands the need for research into the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell," the law can still be changed with a specified time line of implementation before 2011.

"Americans clearly understand that if someone is brave enough to take a bullet for the USA, then they should have the same equal rights guaranteed to every American under the law -- whether they are serving in the military, or when they come home."

He added, "The time to end 'don't ask, don't tell' is now. I urge you to take immediate action to insure that Congress includes the repeal of DADT -- with an implementation timeline -- in the Defense Authorization bill currently under consideration."

Dean wrote the letter on behalf of his grassroots organization, Democracy for America, and for the Courage Campaign.

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