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Logo explains why
it rejected UCC's "Ejector" ad

Logo explains why
it rejected UCC's "Ejector" ad


Gay cable network Logo released a statement Thursday regarding its controversial decision not to air a pro-gay ad from the United Church of Christ, which depicts a gay couple being ejected from the pew of an antigay church: "[Logo] does not accept advocacy or religious advertising that appears to disparage any organization, denomination, or individual."

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Most media watchers didn't bat an eye when major networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and Telemundo recently rejected a United Church of Christ commercial depicting a gay couple being ejected from their pew of an intolerant church. Heads did turn, though, when gay and lesbian network Logo told UCC last week it was also refusing to run the commercial.

A statement released Thursday by MTV Networks, the Viacom-owned parent company of Logo, read: "MTV Networks does not accept advocacy or religious advertising that appears to disparage any organization, denomination, or individual. This policy applies to all MTV Networks's channels, which include MTV, VH1, Comedy Central, Logo, CMT, and Nickelodeon. The UCC ad did not meet MTV Networks' standards for paid commercial advertising.

"At Logo, we know that LGBT people of faith are as diverse in their religious beliefs as we are as a community. Logo will continue to develop and air programs that explore themes about LGBT people of faith with incisiveness and authenticity. From Latter Days to Trembling Before G-d, Logo will continue developing and airing programs that address the full experiences of LGBT people of faith."

While Logo turned down the UCC commercial, titled "Ejector," gay-oriented cable channels Q Television and Here agreed to run the ads for free as public-service announcements, because they approved of its inclusive message toward diverse Christians. Mainstream cable networks like CNN and A&E are also running the spots, though as paid advertising.

An earlier UCC commercial was turned down by major networks in December 2004. (The Advocate)

Do you agree with Logo's position? Disagree? The Advocate is compiling a forum of reader opinions on Logo's decision not to air the UCC ad. Please send your opinion to Comments received before 5 p.m. EDT on Friday, April 14, will be considered for an exclusive forum to be posted on The Advocate's site this weekend.

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Logo explains why
it rejected UCC's "Ejector" ad

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