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Stand Out Search Results: Your Favorite 3 Comedians

Stand Out Search Results: Your Favorite 3 Comedians


Thanks to all of the comedians who have competed so far. But these three made our readers laugh so much they clicked to vote.

Jerry Harvey, Dana Goldberg, Cody Melcher

The votes are in (thousands of them). And now three comedians of our 15 finalists will head to Chicago and compete live on stage.

The Advocate readers voted for the following three comedians as their favorites to compete in "Stand Out: The National Queer Comedy Search."

1) Dana Goldberg

2) Cody Melcher

3) Jerry Harvey

These three will go head to head against five other comedians from around the country on Sept. 24 at 8:30 p.m at Zanies. Exactly who those other five are will be announced Aug. 28 at Sidetrack Video Bar (3349 N. Halsted).

Stand Out is looking for the most hilarious queer and queer friendly comedians in America. Presented by Outloud Chicago, The Advocate magazine, Absolut vodka and Sidetrack Video Bar, Stand Out found 75 comedians from across the country and our readers have now helped narrow down the list of competitors.

The live event is hosted by Queer Comedy at Zanies creator Adam Guerino and judged by Zanies booker Bert Haas, The Advocate comedy editor Jami Smith and The Chicago Reader comedy critic Molly Adams.

The first-place winner will receive $1,200, a headlining spot at Queer Comedy at Zanies season 4 opener ($800 value), and their headshot mounted forever on the wall at Zanies comedy club. We'll also feature this hilarious person in The Advocate's comedy section -- which is, of course, priceless.

Second place winner will receive $750 and a feature story in, Third place winner will receive $250 and a feature story on More prizes to be announced!

The Pride Store HalloweenOut / Advocate Magazine - Jonathan Groff & Wayne Brady

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