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This Summer's Comedy Gold Olympic Moments

This Summer's Comedy Gold Olympic Moments

Funniest Olympic videos

The wealth of hilarity presented at the Olympics was worthy of its own medal category.

The Summer Olympics is fun, but also deadly serious. The entire world is trying to determine which athletes are at the top of their game, which teams are the best, and who is deserving of medals. However, this year three people showed themselves to be contenders in an entirely different competition: who could win the most smiles.

Bronze goes to French prankster Remi Gaillard, who really wanted to be a part of the games. Watch how he nails the dismounts.

Silver to Australian women's soccer captain Lisa De Vanna, who had a bit of trouble operating her water bottle.

And gold to goes to David Katoatau, who does a funny little dance every time he is done lifting weighta to bring attention to the plight of his home country, Kiribati, which is swiftly sinking into the ocean. Katoatau is proof that humor can be used to raise awareness.

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