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Republican Party

Project 2025 co-author Mike Howell accused of hypocrisy after photo emerges with friend in drag (exclusive)

Howell has condemned drag before. He confirmed to The Advocate that the photo is authentic.

How JD Vance went from thinking he was gay and changing his name twice to being an anti-LGBTQ+ extremist

Donald Trump’s vice-presidential pick has reinvented himself repeatedly.

George Santos to gays at the RNC: 'Just come out of the closet boys'

The disgraced politician took seriously a satirical post referring to the Republican National Convention as "Grindr's Super Bowl."

Gay Rep. Robert Garcia roasts Donald Trump’s ‘bizarre and rambling’ Republican National Convention speech

This is why Garcia called it the most anti-immigrant speech that the former president has given.

‘Mass deportation’ signs waved at RNC after JD Vance’s wife talks about her immigrant family

The Ohio senator and his wife sought to make the GOP appear inclusive as convention attendees, many wearing bandages on their ears, chanted, "Send them back."

Rachel Maddow says JD Vance’s rise is thanks to gay billionaire’s influence, not skill or merit

Peter Thiel has bank rolled most of JD Vance’s professional life, the award-winning journalist explained to the audience.

Here’s all the insanity from day two of the Republican National Convention

It will get even wilder as the final night on Thursday approaches.

JD Vance embraced Project 2025 before MAGA Republicans tried distancing themselves from it

The senator from Ohio and Donald Trump’s VP pick has long voiced support for some of the same policies the extremist document drafted by the Heritage Foundation celebrates.

Rachel Maddow roasts Trump VP pick JD Vance with his own words

The lesbian MSNBC host showed the audience how Vance went from never Trump to blind Trump worship in a few years.

What the LGBTQ+ community should expect from the Republican National Convention

Anti-transgender, anti-immigrant and other bigotry aimed toward marginalized communities will likely permeate the event.


19 vice president picks for Donald Trump that would be better than JD Vance

These picks may seem nonsensical, but we guarantee that we put more thought into them than Trump did his.

GOP’s 2024 platform mirrors extremist Project 2025 as threat to women, LGBTQ+ people, and minorities

The Republican Party is playing with language to appear less extreme than it actually is.

Gay furry hackers target Heritage Foundation

The group SiegedSec hacked the anti-LGBTQ+ conservative policy shop that is pushing the extremist Project 2025 agenda.

Hundreds of Patriot Front right-wing extremists march through Nashville

Residents and members of the community were terrified by the militaristic display.

Many Democrats panic after Biden-Trump debate highlights both candidates’ weaknesses

The hand-wringing has begun, and conversations by some about a replacement on the ticket are being had in public, while others are expressing restraint.

Colorado Republican who called LGBTQ+ people 'godless groomers' loses his primary​

Dave Williams, chair of the Colorado GOP, lost his primary after a campaign email and tweet calling to "burn all Pride flags."

Log Cabin Republicans president bizarrely defends Donald Trump's anti-LGBTQ+ record

The Log Cabin Republicans are standing by their man.

Rep. Robert Garcia: 'The Army that defeated Hitler and saved the world included drag queens'

The California Democrat expertly demolished a Republican proposal to ban drag shows on military bases — but it passed the House of Representatives anyways.

Republican congressman wants to limit IVF access to married heterosexual veterans only

He claimed, falsely, that children of opposite-sex couples fare best in life.