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Gay Cameraman Sues Sacha Baron Cohen

Gay Cameraman Sues Sacha Baron Cohen

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Bruno star Sacha Baron Cohen is named in a lawsuit from a Los Angeles cameraman who alleges he was roughed up at a Prop. 8 rally where the film's crew deliberately stirred passions for dramatic effect.

According to E! Online, "Mike Skiff is suing Cohen for assault, battery and inciting a riot, claiming that he was shooting footage of an L.A. event that included folks who were both for and against legalizing gay marriage, when along came so-called Bruno Productions--members of whom were toting 'Yes on 8' (no on legalization) signs 'to promote violent discord between the assembled 'yes' and 'no' factions,' Skiff's lawsuit states."

Skiff, who is gay, claims that he feared he would be "clubbed with wooden signs," and in additional court documents filed Tuesday, he claims that he has the right to conduct business without being afraid of violence and intimidation because of his sexual orientation.

E! reports that Skiff seeks at least $25,000 in punitive damages, and reimbursement for medical expenses and general damages.

Watch video from the rally.
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