School districts
in Kansas must get parents' written permission before
teaching their children sex education, the state board of
education decided Wednesday. The board adopted the
policy in a 6-4 vote. Up to now, most Kansas
districts had an "opt-out" policy--they
enrolled children in sex ed unless a parent objected
in writing.
Only a few other
states have such "opt-in" requirements on sex
education, according to the Sexuality Information and
Education Council of the United States, a group that
promotes sex education. Among them: Arizona, Nevada,
and Utah.
Board members who
voted for the new policy said some parents told them
they did not know their children were taking sex education
until the classes had started. "It's
about empowering parents. That's the bottom
line," said board chairman Steve Abrams.
Critics of the
measure said that the children whose parents who
won't sign a permission form or won't
turn it in are the ones most likely to need the
courses. Some also said that the rule may violate the Kansas
constitution, which gives local school boards broad
One board member
wants the new policy to go further and require
abstinence-only courses. "We need to send the correct
message," Kathy Martin said. Under her
proposal, a school could lose its state accreditation
if it does not offer nine weeks of instruction on
"abstinence until marriage" at least once in
grades 6-9.
The board said it
would discuss Martin's proposal at a later meeting.
Wednesday's vote came less than three weeks after the
state senate approved a bill requiring all school
districts to continue requiring sex education classes
and prohibit them from going to abstinence-only
courses. The bill is now before a house committee.
The board had
similar regulations in place for nearly two decades, but
they expired.
In November,
after a debate that attracted worldwide attention, the board
adopted standards that treat evolution as a flawed theory.