Nearly a quarter
of gay and lesbian Americans lack proper health
insurance and are twice as likely as their heterosexual
counterparts to have no health insurance coverage,
according to a new study. Harris Interactive reported
Monday that 22% of gay and lesbian survey respondents
have no health insurance, compared with 12% of heterosexual
adults in the survey.
percent of LGBT survey participants also said it was
important that employers seek out health insurance
companies that provide domestic-partner health
coverage when choosing specific health care providers.
Sixty-seven percent said they would be likely to consider
a health insurer if they knew that the agent selling the
insurance plan was openly LGBT.
"We must step up
all efforts to serve the uninsured and take the lead
in transforming our health care system for not only our GLBT
members but all those who are not covered by health
insurance today," Peter Francel, head of the sales
product group for Aetna, said in a press release on
Monday. (The Advocate)