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Marriage Equality Gets Remixed

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Grassroots equality organization FAIR (Freedom Action Inclusion Rights) teamed with deviantART, an online viral art community, to sponsor an art contest based on graphic remixes of Shepard Fairey's renowned marriage equality poster Defend Equality Love Unites last November. The contest generated over 1,600 submissions, making it one of deviantART's most popular contests ever.

"It was fascinating to watch the community's reaction to the topic," says CEO Angelo Sotira. "It generated more comments than any other contest we've done with red-hot discussion of the different points of view on equal marriage rights, frequently extreme in either direction. I was happy to see that many of the threads started to meet in the middle someplace. The theme 'Love Unites' really worked in the end."

The contest is to be judged by FAIR and Fairey, with the winner to be announced in January 2010.

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