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Trump’s Love of Abusers Perfectly Parodied by Randy Rainbow

Trump's Love of Abusers

Donald Trump: A regular, old Tammy Wynette.

Donald Trump has a nasty habit of sympathizing with men accused of sexual assault or domestic violence -- could it be because Trump himself has been accused of everything from groping to rape?

In a new video, comedian Randy Rainbow lampoons Trump's twisted support for men like Roger Ailes, Roy Moore, and fired White House aide Rob Porter -- using Tammy Wynette's classic "Stand by Your Man" as musical inspiration. Is it a coincidence that Hillary Clinton infamously mentioned Wynette after her husband's infidelities surfaced? "You know, I'm not sitting here, some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette," Clinton said on 6o Minutes back in 1992.

Trump, on the hand, has nothing but effusive praise for even the most egregious allegations, saying of Porter -- accused by two ex-wives of beating them, with one providing photographic evidence -- that, "Now he also, as you probably know, he says he's innocent. And I think you have to remember that. He said very strongly yesterday that he's innocent. So you'll have to talk to him about that. But we absolutely wish him well, he did a very good job while he was at the White House."

Watch Rainbow's video below.

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