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Coming Out Made His Father a Better Dad, Says Director

Coming Out Made His Father a Better Dad, Says Director

Beginners director Mike Mills calls his late father's coming out as gay as a senior citizen "a blessing," saying his dad became much more emotionally available and alive after his revelation.

Mills, who had numerous gay friends already, jokes that his house became like gay pride when his father embraced his sexual orientation. Mills also says the character's sexuality was never an issue for actor Christopher Plummer, who plays the paternal stand-in in the film.

The director also acknowledges that it would have been more difficult had his mother been living, but he considers his father's coming-out a "blessing," saying the happiness he experienced while living openly made him a better dad.

The acclaimed comedy-drama, which stars Plummer and Ewan McGregor, is currently playing in theaters nationwide.

Watch the interview below.
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