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Marriage Equality

Even With Marriage Equality, Florida Laws Still Hostile to LGBTs

Even With Marriage Equality, Florida Laws Still Hostile to LGBTs


Even though gay and lesbian couples can now marry in Florida, there's still lots more work to be done.

There's plenty of reason to celebrate in Florida, with all couples free to marry across the state. But it's also time to roll up some sleeves and continue the important work of fighting for equality.

The case that brought same-sex weddings to the state is still far from resolved. The litigation remains pending before the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. In addition, there are multiple state lawsuits pending at various stages. Depending on how courts rule, the state could potentially wind up with multiple contradictory decisions on marriage equality, which would leave couples in a legal grey area.

And issues beyond just marriage remain to be addressed. The state is particularly lacking when it comes to protections and accommodations for transgender individuals. Employment and housing protections lag behind more inclusive states, as well as anti-bullying policies. As Florida's LGBT population ages, elder housing will become an increasing concern.

And if other states are any indication, Florida's antigay officials won't give up in defeat even when marriage equality becomes permanent. Instead, they're likely to attempt to pass discriminatory laws that would allow businesses to turn away queer customers.

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