Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states, we've been deluged with pressing questions from readers both gay and straight. So here, as a public service, we offer our answers to those questions.
I'm so excited that gay marriage is now legal in my state! What should my boyfriend and I do next?
The most important thing to do first is make sure that both of you are on the same page and want the same thing.
Gay marriage is now legal, but as a straight man, it still bothers me. What will happen if choose to hold on to my traditional values?
The video below should answer your questions.
I'm a straight woman and I love my gay friends, but I'm afraid that our country is now heading in the wrong direction. What impact will gay marriage have on my relationship with my boyfriend?
Technically it will have no impact on your relationship with your boyfriend at all. But you still might want to consult the video below.
Now that gay marriage is legal, how do I prepare my family members for what to expect at my gay wedding?
It may help to bring in a gay friend to help answer your family's questions.
My girlfriend and I are now planning our same-sex wedding, but we don't think the traditional wedding songs are appropriate for us. Any suggestions?
You might want to take a tip from these kids who always know exactly what song to sing - and when.
My boyfriend and I are so excited about our upcoming gay wedding, but we want someone to perform who really understands us. Who would you suggest?
Here's someone who knows a lot about weddings - and gay men:
We're looking for a wedding song that will reflect our contemporary musical tastes and appeal to our African-American families. Any ideas?
This song is certain to appeal to your tastes and to your family members. Most of them.
I'm straight and I'm suddenly getting a lot of invitations to gay summer weddings. But the idea of attending them makes me anxious. Can you help?
We've got just thing for you. Click here.
I guess that gay marriage is a good thing, but it seems like all of the 2016 presidential candidates are speaking out against it.
Not all of them: