Although gay bishop Gene Robinson
will not be allowed to attend an important
conference of Anglican bishops next year, the
Episcopal bishop of California, Marc Andrus, has
pledged to support his fellow clergyman.
"I will be seeking to learn how I can
best be in solidarity with Bishop Robinson
through prayerful action," explained Bishop
Andrus to Oasis, a Bay Area ministry for LGBT
Episcopalians. "The tactic of isolation and
exile being employed against Bishop Robinson
is retrogressive behavior that moves us toward a
past from which Christ is always seeking to
redeem us."
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan
Williams, hosts the Lambeth Conference, a
meeting of all Anglican and Episcopal bishops,
once every 10 years. While conceding that Bishop
Robinson is an elected and consecrated bishop
in the Anglican Communion, Archbishop Williams
chose not to extend him an invitation because of
conservatives' opposition to his consecration.
Peter Akinola, archbishop of the Anglican
Church of Nigeria, is one of Robinson's most
vocal opponents. Akinola supports legislation
proposed in Nigeria that would criminalize
homosexuality there.
On Sunday, June 24, Bishop Andrus
will be joined by Nigerian human rights
activist Davis Mac-Illya to march in the San
Francisco gay pride parade. "We must always
be seeking this oneness that honors both our
interconnectedness, our individuality, and that
includes all," Andrus preached to Oasis,
explaining his decision to join the festivities.
"This is a defining moment for the
Episcopal Church," the Reverend John Kirkley,
president of the California dioceses' LGBT
ministry, said to Oasis. "Our bishops must refuse to
capitulate to those for whom the exclusion of gay
and lesbian people is the criteria for
membership in the Anglican Communion. My hope is
that they will find a creative way to respond
to Archbishop Williams that actually honors
our church's commitment to listen to the voices of
lesbian and gay people around the world, including
those of Bishop Robinson and Davis
Mac-Illya." (The Advocate)