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Apple Removes Antigay App

Apple Removes Antigay App


Apple has apparently removed the antigay app the Manhattan Declaration, which called for users to fight marriage equality, from its iTunes store. The decision comes after thousands protested the company's decision to approve the Manhattan Declaration for download in the first place. Apple has been known to reject a good number of gay-related mobile apps, which is part of what frustrated many gay consumers when they learned that an antigay app had been approved.

The app, which was free for download on iTunes, included a 4,700-word declaration -- the Manhattan Declaration -- which "speaks in defense of the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and religious liberty," according to its creators. It also includes a four-question survey, where users are asked, among other things, "Do you support same-sex relationships?" If you answer "yes," you'll be told you replied incorrectly.

The company's apparent decision to remove the app came without a statement from Apple, but the Manhattan Declaration is no longer on iTunes.

Read The Huffington Post's report on the Manhattan Declaration here.

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