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Minn. School Board Passes Strong Antibullying Curriculum

Minn. School Board Passes Strong Antibullying Curriculum


Outgoing members of the Minneapolis school board voted unanimously Tuesday to strengthen the LGBT curriculum and antibullying efforts.

According to The Minnesota Independent, the board passed a resolution that directs the Minneapolis school district to enhance its tracing of bullying incidents and inclusion of LGBT themes in the curriculum.

"The resolution directs the district to include educational materials about the safety of LGBT students and to offer yearly trainings for all district staff from administrators to bus drivers," reported the Independent. "It will mean that sexual health curriculum will include LGBT issues and an elective course will be created that centers on LGBT history.

"The resolution also provides for the funding of these programs with either outside fundraising or district funds, and requires that the costs and effectiveness of the new programs be tracked."

Carla Bates, the treasurer and first LGBT person elected to the school board, said the measure would not add to the budget, the Independent reported.

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