Having already
spawned bumper stickers, countless late night talk show
zingers, and a New Yorker magazine cover,
Brokeback Mountain has reached its pop-cultural
zenith: the T-shirt market. Spreadshirt.com, an online
custom apparel company based in Leipzig, Germany, is
offering 14 different Brokeback-inspired sayings and
designs, including "Brokeback Riding
Club" and "Is that a cattle-prod in your
pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
But fans of the
Oscar-nominated film aren't the only ones sporting
Brokeback sayings on their backs. The
Florida-based Second Coming Clothing Company is selling a
T-shirt that depicts queer cowboys as the biblical
sinners who worshiped a golden calf at Mt. Sinai.
Along with the saying "The Original 10 Commandments,
Brokeback on the Mountain," the T-shirt includes a
reference to Exodus 32:19, which states, "He
saw the calf and the dancing: and Moses' anger
waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and
broke them beneath the mount."
Second Coming CEO
Rick Wade was quoted by South Florida's CBS4
News as saying, "Our faith in Jesus Christ
needs to be taken out of our hearts and worn on the
sleeves of our daily walk in life as we witness to others
and take an affirmative stand in controversial issues before
it is too late."
Spreadshirt.com's message, on the other hand, seems
to be, "Lighten up." Their press release states,
"It is within the world of T-shirts that heated
controversies can be diffused with a bit of humor and
levity." (Advocate.com)