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New Netflix Doc Rebukes Climate Deniers


Chasing Coral tells story of dying reefs with immaculate imagery. 


While Trump tramps around the French capital refusing to sign the Paris Agreement, an ice shelf the size of Delaware just snapped off Antarctica. While its direct tie to humanmade global warming may be debated, it is nevertheless a stark reminder that protecting our oceans is more urgent than ever. That's not fake news. Chasing Coral, an illuminating new documentary from Netflix uses dazzling imagery to illustrate the death of 29% of coral in the Great Barrier Reef. Director Jeff Orlowski, who helmed Chasing Ice, dives with a team of intrepid underwater filmmakers who discover a mysterious bleaching of coral only caused by rising sea temperatures. The film's stunning timelapse and underwater photography offer intimate images of the coral aminals that are tear-jerkingly beautiful and bleak. The film ends optimistically with scenes of action and a dedication to "the young people who can and will make a difference." Kristen Bell sings an original credits song, "Tell Me How Long," wondering aloud when we will act. Find out how you can take action on Watch the documentary on Netflix Friday July 14.


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Allison Tate

Allison Tate is the Director of Editorial Video at Pride Media, and creates videos for The Advocate, OUT and PRIDE. She is a filmmaker, swing dancer, and enthusiastic Carol fan who works to amplify marginalized voices in media.
Allison Tate is the Director of Editorial Video at Pride Media, and creates videos for The Advocate, OUT and PRIDE. She is a filmmaker, swing dancer, and enthusiastic Carol fan who works to amplify marginalized voices in media.