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Santa Stars in Gay Love Story in Postal Service Christmas Ad

Harry and Santa kiss

The ad from Norway feels like a queer holiday miracle.

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Forget Hallmark, Netflix, and Hulu -- this year's most romantic and moving Christmas love story is coming to you courtesy of Norway's postal service. Yes, you read that right.

For the past two years, it has been producing holiday advertisements that have quickly become a beloved part of the country's Christmas season, and this year's entry may end up making it one of yours as well.

The nearly four-minute ad, titled When Harry Met Santa, plays more like a short film. It begins with one man's chance encounter with Saint Nick, and the two have an instant spark. The ad then follows their growing connection over subsequent holidays.

At one visit, Santa tells Harry, "You snore. I'll be back next year," according to Queerty. Then the next year, Santa tells him, "I've got many gifts to deliver. I'll be back next year. Do I look nice?"

The ad keeps building to when Harry confesses his feelings -- via a note to the North Pole, naturally -- and Santa being able to spend more quality time with him, thanks to the postal service. And there's a kiss.

While there are (sadly) no subtitles, the meaning and sentiment are very clear.

The caption at the end says, "In 2022, it will be 50 years since it became legal to love whomever you want in Norway."

Speaking with the marketing magazine Kampanje, Oda Rygh of Norwegian LGBTQ+ organization FRI explained the ultimate message of the ad. "For many of us, Christmas is a time we spend with those we love, and it's nice to see the Norway Post show that love belongs to everyone, regardless of orientation, age, or whether you live at the North Pole," Rygh said.

The message is clearly resonating with people online. "How on earth did I figure out my wish for Christmas?!? Congratulations on a beautifully crafted film. Thank you," wrote one commenter on YouTube.

"This needs a 'Tissues Alert.' It's so beautiful. Thank you," wrote another.

We couldn't agree more.

Watch the ad below.

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