Gay rights
advocates in Connecticut said on Wednesday they would
introduce legislation that aims to make the state the second
in the United States to legalize same-sex marriage,
but they face tough opposition. Democratic state
senator Andrew McDonald and Rep. Michael Lawlor said
they would file the bill before a February 14 deadline for
new legislation. "We'll treat same-sex couples exactly the
same way we'll treat opposite-sex couples," said
Lawlor, also a Democrat.
Neighboring Massachusetts is the only U.S. state
where same-sex marriage is legal. Vermont, New Jersey,
and Connecticut recognize same-sex civil unions,
giving gay and lesbian couples largely the same rights as
married couples, including group insurance coverage,
tax benefits, and hospital visitation rights.
But civil unions lack federal benefits. Couples
cannot file joint federal tax returns, nor do they
share reciprocal pension rights.
Gov. Jodi Rell, a Republican, who approved
Connecticut's same-sex civil union bill in 2005,
opposes same-sex marriage. Activists on both sides of
the socially divisive issue say her opposition could stall
the proposed legislation.
Gay rights opponent Brian Brown of the Family
Institute of Connecticut said a survey conducted by
his organization showed 76% of voters in the state
wanted the issue to be decided by a referendum instead of by
the Democratic-led legislature. "Time and time again,
when this question is put to voters, the voters say,
'We know what marriage is, we know that marriage is
the union of a man and a woman, we know what the concept of
same-sex marriage is, and we don't want it,'" said Brown.
Brown's group is urging lawmakers to propose an
amendment to the state constitution that would ban
same-sex marriage and civil unions.
The Connecticut supreme court is also weighing
the right to same-sex marriage. It is expected to hear
oral arguments soon in a case of gay and lesbian
couples who are challenging a lower court's ruling that
civil unions give same-sex couples the same equality
as marriage. (Reuters)