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What's Condi Trying to Say?

What's Condi Trying to Say?


So many people in politics and media drew a connection between sports and sexual orientation this week after TheWall Street Journal ran a 17-year-old photo of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan playing softball (see a video of some of that chatter here). Therefore, one can't help but wonder what former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice might be trying to say with her new column for The Daily Beast, "Why I Love the WNBA."

"I was a tomboy as a child and a jock as a teenager," Rice writes. "In women's basketball, you can look like what you do is hard and takes great athleticism. And I love the fact that these women work as a team--learning that you are only as good as the person next to you in the trenches. ... This is why I want the WNBA to succeed -- along with the LPGA. I also hope women's soccer will return and that one day women's professional softball will be born."

Of course, Rice is most likely only speaking of her love of sport. While there may be some truth in every stereotype, basketball, soccer, golf, and even softball appeal to people of every sexual orientation. Still, one wonders if the people who drew such a quick conclusion about Kagan after seeing a photograph of her playing softball might do the same after reading Rice's post.

Read Rice's full column here.

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