South Korea
selected a gay-themed movie that became an unexpected
domestic box-office hit to put forward as its candidate for
the Best Foreign Film category at the U.S. Academy
Awards, the country's state-run film agency in Seoul
said Thursday. King and the Clown, a tale about
an effeminate male clown caught between the affections
of a despotic king and the love of a fellow performer, is
the number 2 film in all-time ticket sales in South
Korea, surpassed just this month for the top spot by
The Host, a thriller about a family's fight
against a mutant monster.
The Korean Film Council said it reviewed the two
films and another, Time by internationally renowned
director Kim Ki-duk, and decided to pick King and
the Clown because it was believed to have a
better chance of winning an Oscar nomination.
Nominated films are scheduled to be announced in
January, the council said.
A Korean film has never been nominated for an
Academy Award. (AP)