collected in five major British cities has found that two
out of five HIV-infected gay men in the United Kingdom
are undiagnosed. According to the findings, more than
half of these men had recently tested negative for
HIV and had thought they were uninfected, reports.
The information was presented to the
16th International AIDS Conference in Toronto
last week by the University College London and the
Medical Research Council. Investigators compared sexual risk
behavior and HIV prevalence in London, Edinburgh,
Glasgow, Brighton, and Manchester in order to
understand the link between increased risk behavior,
increased HIV prevalence, and undiagnosed HIV infection.
The city with the highest HIV rate was Brighton,
with one out of seven gay men testing positive. London
had the second-highest rate, with one out of every
eight gay men infected, 44.1% of whom were unaware of their
HIV-positive status. (The Advocate)