Gay rights
supporters and opponents routinely trade barbs,
characterizing their adversaries as radical or
extremist, when a pertinent statewide vote looms just
a month away. But the campaign over whether to keep
Maine's gay rights law has been superficially quiet to date.
Gov. John Baldacci, who backed the proposal and signed
it into law, has been receiving constituent comments
on the issue only about once a week, his office says.
Maine Grassroots Coalition leader Paul Madore,
looking to repeal the law, says the foundation of the
battle for victory at the polls on November 8 is
one-to-one conversation, not a marketing blitz. Media
advertising will always be a function of financial
resources, he says, but bolstering and expanding a
network of repeal advocates is key. "You have to be
strong on the ground.... We have to rely on personal contact
through our volunteers," Madore says.
New campaign finance reports are due this week.
According to previous reports, supporters and
opponents of the law outlawing discrimination against
gays and lesbians raised more than $200,000 earlier this
year. This year's referendum campaign commenced after
Baldacci signed a new law in March that would extend
the Maine Human Rights Act to make discrimination
based on sexual orientation illegal in employment,
housing, credit, public accommodations, and education.
The act already prohibits discrimination based
on race, color, sex, disability, religion, ancestry,
and national origin.
A conservative church-led alliance
including Madore's grassroots coalition and the
Christian Civic League of Maine mounted a successful
petition drive seeking a people's veto of the expanded law,
filing more than 56,000 signatures. Low voter turnout
is a hallmark of off-year elections and mobilizing
potential voters has been the bedrock strategy on both sides.
A statewide poll released in August pegged
support of the new gay rights law among Maine voters
at three out of five, but gay rights backers say
nothing can be taken for granted. "Until the airwaves are
lit up, people won't be focusing on this," says
Democratic state senator Barry Hobbins, who cochairs
the judiciary committee that forwarded the bill to the
full legislature with a positive, if split, endorsement.
Indeed, commenting on the Strategic Marketing
Services results in August, pollster Patrick Murphy
predicted, "This election will come down to which of
the campaigns is most successful at getting out its core
supporters." The new law would exempt religious
organizations that do not receive public funds. Its
language also declares that the law is not meant to
speak to the issue of same-sex marriages.
The repeal forces, nonetheless, insist that
broadening civil rights protections for gays will
grant a new status to gay men and lesbians that could
open the door to same-sex marriage. "That's the bottom
line," says Madore.
Hobbins hopes the late addition of statutory
wording to say the measure "may not be construed to
create, add, alter, or abolish any right to marry"
will focus debate where he thinks it belongs. "As it turns
out, that language could be the savior of the bill," Hobbins
says. Maine has a statute that defines marriage as
between one man and one woman. The state also has
created a domestic-partner registry for both same-sex
and heterosexual couples that allows them to inherit
property and be designated as a guardian or next of kin.
A 1997 law extending gay rights was repealed by
a people's veto--a process through which a law
can be overturned by referendum--the following year.
Another legislatively enacted bill that included a
referendum provision was defeated by voters in 2000.
Tim Russell, legislative liaison for the
Christian Civic League and the Coalition for Marriage,
says modern communications methods are important to
the repeal advocates. "We're using the Internet," he says.
"That's where we're going to get our word out."
Jesse Connolly, campaign manager for Maine Won't
Discriminate, says supporters of the pending law also
network and raise money on the Internet. There are
plans for paid media, he says, but the off-year
balloting is "all about turnout."
The November ballot appears to have no more
stirring attraction. Five lower questions will ask
voters whether they want to ratify pieces of an $83
million bond issue, and another proposes a constitutional
amendment that would authorize tax assessments of
waterfront land used for commercial fishing activities
to be based on the land's current use. The bond
package earmarks $33.1 million for transportation projects,
$20 million for economic development and jobs, $9
million for education, $12 million for land
conservation and a working waterfront initiative, and
$8.9 million for clean water, environment, and health
projects. (AP)