Further battle
lines over homosexuality were drawn in the Episcopal
Church Wednesday as an ultraconservative Pennsylvania
diocese opposing gay bishops rejected the authority of
the incoming head of the denomination--a woman
who supports gays--stopping just short of a full
break with the church. The vote by the diocese of Pittsburgh
took place the same day that the liberal diocese of
Newark, N.J., tested the new Episcopal call for
restraint in the appointment of gay bishops by
nominating a gay priest to become its next leader.
The Episcopal Church and its fellow Anglicans
worldwide are struggling to prevent differences over
biblical interpretation and issues
of sexuality from escalating into a permanent split. On
Tuesday, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, the
Anglican spiritual leader, warned that divisions have
become so deep that member churches who support
ordaining gays may be demoted in ranking in the worldwide
Anglican Communion. (Sirius OutQ News)