Symbolizing the
growing pink power within California politics, the
state's league of cities recently established an LGBT caucus
to promote diversity and community goals within the
league and the state legislature.
The League of
California Cities advocates for the common interests of
California's approximately 500 cities. The establishment of
a gay caucus was led by West Hollywood, a
predominately gay and lesbian city that seceded from
Los Angeles in 1984.
The caucus will
push diversity through networking, public education, and
advocacy on issues important to California's queer
"There [are] at
least 30 openly gay and lesbian municipal officials in
California," said West Hollywood city council member Jeffrey
Prang. "This new caucus will provide LGBT officials an
important means of working together on local and state
issues. The caucus provides an important opportunity
for the LGBT community to enhance our voice in local
government." (The Advocate)