Hoping to
encourage gay-inclusive treatment among members of the
clergy, the Human Rights Campaign has launched Out in
Scripture, a Web site providing assistance with
inclusive sermons and Bible study.
Out in Scripture
will be a free weekly feature available at www.hrc.org/scripture.
The program is part of the HRC's religion and faith
program, which seeks to assist religious leaders in
speaking out for LGBT equality.
"Ministers around
the country have been asking for a resource just like
this to help them prepare sermons that are faithful to the
authentic lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
transgender people and their families while also true
to the biblical text," said HRC president Joe
Solmonese "This resource will offer them the tools to do
just that. It will also be an empowering resource for
people in isolated situations or for those who belong
to unsupportive congregations." (The Advocate)