Five parents who
asked to transfer their children out of classes headed
by a transsexual teacher at Batavia High School in New
York State have been denied, according to city
schools superintendent Richard Stutzman. The written
requests did not meet the guidelines set out by the
district, Stutzman said Tuesday without providing specifics.
"That's all between the school, the teacher, the parents,"
he said.
Other students
were allowed to adjust their schedules because their
requests were based on changes in their academic programs,
Stutzman said. Fall classes began Wednesday in
Batavia, 31 miles southwest of Rochester.
The teacher is
still going through a medical transition but returned to
school dressed as a woman and addressed as a female. The
teacher will instruct about 100 students this year and
was to make a "brief statement" at the start of class
and then proceed with the course work, the
superintendent said.
Among several
students heading to school Wednesday, some said the
situation was weird or awkward, while others said they
didn't have a problem with it. "If he wants to do it,
then that's him," said senior Carissa Visalli, 17.
The district has
conducted information meetings about the transsexual
teacher for staff and parents. (AP)