The "Who Do You
Say That I Am? Visions of Christ, Gender, and Justice"
exhibit will open at the JHS Gallery in Taos, N.M., on May
12 and run through June 23. The exhibit features artists who
use a spiritual perspective to explore LGBT issues,
environmentalism, politics, war, technology, and
The exhibit will
open during the national Festival of Progressive
Spiritual Art, being held May 11-12 in Taos. The
festival also features a banquet honoring the artists
and will launch the book Art That Dares: Gay Jesus,
Woman Christ and More by Kittredge Cherry.
Most of the artists showcased in the exhibit are in
the book as well. The book tells the story behind the art,
including how some of the art led to censorship, death
threats, hate mail, and violence.
Tickets to the
banquet are $125 and include dinner at Joseph's Table at
the historic La Fonda Hotel, a copy of Art That
Dares, and a VIP pass to a private reception at the JHS
Gallery on May 12, 5-6 p.m. For tickets and
more information contact the JHS Gallery at