Seven retired
military officers publicly acknowledged being gay on
Friday, hoping their actions will stir Congress to repeal
"don't ask, don't tell"
and force Marine Corps general Peter Pace to apologize for
calling gays "immoral" earlier this week.
The officers are
all highly decorated and have earned numerous honors and
commendations. They include Col. Stewart Bornhoft, USA;
Capt. Joan E. Darrah, USN; Capt. Robert D.
Dockendorff, USNR; Chaplain Col. Paul W. Dodd, USA;
Capt. Sandra Geiselman, USNR; Col. E. A. Leonard, USA; and
Capt. Robert Michael Rankin, USN.
"Our community
has a long history of serving our country in the armed
forces," the group said in a release. "Today, there are more
than 65,000 lesbian and gay troops on duty. Another 1
million gay and lesbian veterans, including the seven
of us, have served in our fighting forces. General
Pace's remarks dishonor that service, as does the 'don't
ask, don't tell' law. General Pace must offer an
immediate and unqualified apology for his remarks, and
Congress must take action to repeal the ban on
lesbian, gay, and bisexual Americans who want to serve our
country." (The Advocate)