Richmond/Ermet AIDS Foundation is putting on its ninth
annual "Help Is on the Way for the Holidays" -- an
all-star benefit concert at 7:30 p.m. Sunday,
December 2, at the Herbst Theatre in San Francisco.
Performers include Mary Wilson, Sally Struthers, Justin
Guarini, Anthony Fedorov, La Toya London, Jeannette
Bayardelle, Shawn Ryan, and hip-hop dance troupe Mind
Over Matter.
The foundation
raises funds for local AIDS service provider agencies,
primarily in the San Francisco Bay area, through three
primary events: "Help Is on the Way," "Help Is on the
Way for the Holidays," and the "One Night Only" series
of cabaret nights with the touring casts of Broadway
shows. Almost all events include silent or live
auctions. "Help Is on the Way for the Holidays" will
feature a silent auction from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
tickets are $45 and $65. Gala tickets (including
a dessert reception following the performance) are
$100. There will be a post-performance dessert party
with the cast in the Green Room of the War Memorial
Building featuring complimentary wine, cocktails, and
desserts (9:30 p.m. to 11:30 pm).
For tickets call
City Box Office at (415) 392-4400 or visit (The