Multi-platinum alternative rock group 3 Doors Down will headline the Boy Scouts National Jamboree in West Virginia tonight, according to USA Today. The band stepped in to headline the featured concert after Carly Rae Jepsen and Train refused to play the gig in March, citing the Boy Scouts' policy banning gay teenagers and adults from the organization.
The Boy Scouts of America recently revised its long-standing ban on "open or avowed homosexual" youth in the organization, but continues to prohibit openly gay people ages 18 and older from participating in any way. That means that gay youth are allowed to serve as scouts, but when they turn 18, they are suddenly shunned from the organization.
While 3 Doors Down has yet to comment on the issue, GLAAD urged the group to take a stand for gay equality.
"Rather than promote an organization that actively discriminates against gay Americans, it's time 3 Doors Down step into 2013 and withdraw their support of the Boy Scouts, joining musicians like Madonna, Train and Carly Rae Jepsen in speaking out against the Scouts' discriminatory policy," said GLAAD. "The Boy Scouts took an important first step by allowing gay youth to participate, but if the organization expects support from celebrities, corporations and the majority of Americans who believe in fairness for all, Scouting must be open to gay parents and committed leaders over the age of 18."