A Crestwood, Ky.,
accountant who asked her state representative to
support gay rights legislation next year received a reply
not from the lawmaker but from an aide, who mistakenly
sent comments meant for the legislator to the constituent.
"This is one of those issues where it's safe to
say, 'Thanks for writing, I will consider your views,'
and not go too far about your personal beliefs," wrote
aide Cheryl Long of the Legislative Research
Commission to Rep. David Osborne, a Republican from
Prospect, Ky. "Seriously, these people really can get
out of hand!...This particular group is much worse
than pro-lifers!"
"If you reply to Ms. Amanda, make sure you
delete my e-mail!" Long said of answering the e-mail
from Amanda McWane.
Then Long mistakenly hit "reply" instead of
"forward," sending her comments to McWane, and not to
Osborne as Long intended.
McWane, 29, said Monday she had never tried to
contact a politician until last week, when the
Kentucky Fairness Alliance sent e-mails suggesting
that supporters write lawmakers about civil rights
protection for sexual orientation. "At that point, I
didn't even know who my representative was," said
McWane, who sent her e-mail to Osborne on Wednesday.
"But it's a pretty important issue to me."
Long did not return calls seeking comment. LRC
director Robert Sherman said the aide apologized to
McWane upon realizing her mistake. She won't be
punished. "She pushed the wrong button," Sherman said.
"E-mail is a modern marvel, but if you're not careful, it
can get you in a bit of a pickle."
McWane said she accepted Long's apology and
isn't angry. She hasn't heard back from her
legislator. "It would be nice to know how he actually
feels about it, one way or the other," she said. Osborne,
who won a special election to the house in May, did
not return calls seeking comment.
Andrea Hildebran, executive director of the
Kentucky Fairness Alliance, said the aide's reply
confirmed a suspicion that capitol insiders don't view
gays and lesbians as constituents worth a few minutes of
discussion. "The problem here is not just that a
legislator would follow the advice that an aide gives
him--'Thank you very much, but I'm not going to
tell you what I think'--but that a legislator would be
told not to take our issues seriously," she said. "It
seems in her e-mail like we're some sort of burden."