The Greater
Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corp.--along with RSVP,
a major presenter of gay and lesbian travel
opportunities (and a subsidiary of PlanetOut, parent
company of The Advocate), and R Family, founded
by Rosie and Kelli O'Donnell--hope to promote
gay-friendly vacations in and around Philadelphia. This is
the first time that gay vacation companies have signed
on to promote a specific destination. Philadelphia has
shown a continuing commitment to promote the city as
an ideal vacation destination for gay
travelers. In 2003 the tourism
group launched a campaign titled "Get Your
History Straight and Your Nightlife Gay," and in 2004 the
city became the first to release a television
commercial aimed specifically at gay
travelers. The GPTMC hopes these efforts will
bring some of the $64 billion that gay and lesbian
tourists spend each year on travel to the City of
Brotherly Love.