The newest wingnut group to come out of the woodwork since marriage equality spread across America is fighting what it calls "the homosexual political movement." And it's fighting dirty.
"If we redefine marriage, the homosexual political movement will force churches, schools, families, businesses and individuals to accept, to affirm, and even to celebrate those who participate in anal sex, or anal sodomy," said Dr. Steven Hotze, president of the Conservative Republicans of Texas Political Action Committee, according to the Huffington Post. "It will be mandated to be taught to the children in the schools, at an early age, starting in kindergarten. They will be encouraged by their teachers to participate in anal sex."
The Texas Observerattended the right-wing PAC's news conference in Dallas on Tuesday, reporting the group's new grassroots movement is called "REAL MARRIAGE: One Man/One Woman For Life." The anti-LGBT leaders said they will target unnamed businesses and politicians with "mass civil disobedience."
The event was flagged on Thursday by blogger Domenick Scudera, who made it clear:
"I am gay. This means the following: I am sexually attracted to grown men. I am not sexually attracted to children.
"Boys do not need special protection from gay men. What they do need is protection from the kind of bigotry and prejudice that comes from men like Hotze and [Wisc. Gov. Scott] Walker who are fooling the general public for political gain. This kind of public hate speech filters down into the lives of young people. The result? Children are being bullied, harassed and terrorized because they are gay or transgender. A new GLSEN report, citing lack of effective policies to counteract these problems, highlights the need for more effective remedies."
So who is Dr. Steven Hotze? In addition to being president of CRTPAC, he is an author, radio host and an M.D. practicing "natural wellness." Right Wing Watch dubbed Hotze a "Fox News darling" for his steadfast opposition to President Obama's Affordable Care Act, and characterizing same-sex marriage as "spiritual warfare."
In January, RWW reported that Hotze urged lawmakers to support a proposal that sought to forbid clerks in Texas from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
Hotze also coined a clever-yet-still-hateful phrase to show he thinks same-sex marriage is just a delusion, declaring that equality advocates want to "destroy the moral fabric of our state and nation by forcing us to accept and affirm 'homosexual mirage' and the chosen perverse sexual practices of the LGBT as normal."
Hotze sees himself as leading a holy war against Christian -- and Republican -- enemies, with enemy number 1 being none other than President Obama.
"Texas is the last bastion of Christian and conservative thought, power and action in the nation," Hotze writes on CRTPAC's website. "If Texas were to fall, then America would be lost to the socialists and the secular humanists. We must shift the momentum in the battle for the heart of America and lead a Christian and conservative offensive that will spread across America and defeat Obama and his pro-homosexual, socialist allies."
Watch the video of Hotze's news conference below: