Gainesville Flas Gay Mayoral Candidate Mocked

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In an effort to stop Craig Lowe from becoming the first gay mayor of Gainesville, Fla., someone has plastered cars and buildings with pink fliers mocking Lowe's orientation.
Placed on cars at a Baptist church as well as along Main Street, the fliers sarcastically urge voters to "Support the Gay Agenda." The posters claim that Lowe's agenda includes "Gays in Women's Restrooms," "Gay Marriage," "Gay Public Sex
Education," "Gay Oriented Churches," "Gay Communities," "Gay Civil
Rights," and "Gay Parades." The mayoral election is Tuesday.
Lowe, a current city commissioner, supported a 2008 city council-approved ordinance that allowed transgender people to use the restroom they feel comfortable in. An antitransgender effort to repeal that ordinance, suggesting grown men would swarm women's restrooms, was rejected by voters in 2009. In late February and early March of this year, handbills appeared around Gainesville that declared Lowe is "Responsible' for legally allowing MEN in WOMEN'S RESTROOMS!"