Having trouble expressing yourself online? Perhaps you need the help of Kimberly Linn and Katie Streeter, the duo behind the Lesbian Emoji app.
Streeter and Linn (who by day is the creative director at the cool ad agency Pitch) created the project on Instagram to, as Molly Brown of Geekwire says, to offer up "nearly 50 emoji that speak to the lesbian lifestyle in lighthearted, cheeky ways."
"On one hand, you think there's no need for them to be that inclusive -- they're just emojis," Linn told Mashable. "But at the same time, they've become a language. And my friends and I have never had anything that represented us."
Now the emojis are available on their free iTunes app of the same name, and on Instagram
Some of the favorites among their nearly 10,000 followers are a unicorn, roller derby girl, Abbey go-go dancer, fish tacos, a U-Haul truck, The L Word DVD, rainbow cake, and the Denise Richards/Neve Campbell kiss from the movie Wild Things.