If you needed more proof that LGBT minds were the wittiest: In order to promote the 2012 EuroGames in Budapest June 27-July 1, promoters came up with a creative new campaign. Watch the video for Fresh Air, the world's very first gay airline announced its debut to "take off to the deservedly popular and gay-friendly Budapest" for EuroGames.
Sure, the airline isn't real but the EuroGames are and the event is expecting to bring together nearly 4,000 athletes, 2,200 supporters, and 4,000 visitors to watch the 18 different sports in competition as well as attending a five-day conference on LGBT human rights and equality issues.
While the Fresh Air website suggests folks take partner airline Lufthansa to get to the games, many visitors are clearly confused by the faux airline and are still looking for a way to book their flight on Fresh Air, the gay airline that "does things differently."
Business opportunity anyone?