Bill Cosby Plays Victim Following Sexual Assault Case

Cosby, accused of drugging and raping 60 women, will teach people how not to get caught committing sexual assault.
June 23 2017 8:07 PM EST
July 11 2018 11:59 PM EST
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Cosby, accused of drugging and raping 60 women, will teach people how not to get caught committing sexual assault.
Bill Cosby, whose trial for allegedly drugging and raping Andrea Constand -- an out former Temple University employee -- ended in a mistrial, has decided to take his good fortune on the road to teach men how to avoid being accused of sexual assault, according to Fox News affiliate WBRC.
Constand first filed suit against Cosby in 2005, claiming that he drugged and raped her at his home in Pennsylvania. That case was settled in 2006, and both parties were bound by a confidentiality agreement that prevented them from discussing the case. However, the deposition was made public through a court reporting service and was published by The New York Times in 2015.
The deposition revealed that Cosby said the contact was consensual because, "I think I'm a pretty decent reader of people and their emotions in these romantic sexual things, whatever you want to call them." That's when Constand's lawyers released information explaining that Constand is a lesbian, challenging Cosby's assertion that he knows how to read signs of sexual willingness.
Now, following the mistrial, Cosby apologist/spokesperson Andrew Wyatt announced the news of Cosby's disturbing speaking tour in an interview on the TV show Good Day Alabama earlier this week, saying that the problem (of being accused of being a rapist, not of being raped) is bigger than the former sitcom giant and that his story could go a long way to help other men avoid being accused of sexual assault.
In his announcement regarding Cosby's how-not-to-get-caught tour, Wyatt suggested that athletes and married men are particularly vulnerable to accusations of sexual assault, without actually examining the frequency with which either of those groups engages in non-consensual sex.
"This issue can affect any young person, especially young athletes of today. And they need to know what they're facing when they're hanging out and partying, when they're doing certain things that they shouldn't be doing," Wyatt said. "And it also affects, you know, married men."
Cosby admitted in the 2005 deposition to having seven prescriptions for Quaaludes in the '70s and said of one woman he encountered at the time, "I give her Quaaludes. We then have sex." Now, his strategy is to flip the script and play the victim in a tour that doesn't purport to teach people how not to drug and sexually assault others, but how to avoid detection when you do.
The jury in Cosby's trial deadlocked because of two hold-outs. One unidentified juror, who refused to convict Cosby on three second-degree felony counts of aggravated indecent assault, spoke with the Associated Press about the reasons for failing to convict, including that there was no new evidence beyond what was in the 2005 deposition, and also because of the time-honored "she was asking for it theory" because Constand had allegedly shown up to a meeting with Cosby with a bare midriff.
"When you ask for help on your resume, on your resignation letter, which she did, and he, Mr. Cosby, invites her to his home and she arrives in a bare midriff with incense and bath salts, that's a question," the juror said, reportedly rolling several meetings Cosby and Constand had into one.
If Wyatt's reasons for Cosby's tour seem far-flung, Ebonee Benson, a spokesperson for Cosby's wife, Camille (who has stood by her man at all costs), suggested that Cosby will also educate the public about the slippery nature of statute of limitations laws, according to WBRC.
"Laws are changing. The statutes of limitations for victims of sexual assault are being extended," said Camille Cosby spokeswoman, Ebonee Benson ,on Good Day Alabama. "So this is why people need to be educated on -- a brush against the shoulder, you know, anything at this point can be considered sexual assault."
The announcement of Cosby's how-to sexual assault tour has not gone over well. A spokeswoman for the anti-sexual assault violence group RAINN, Jodi Omear, told The New York Timesthat his time would be better spent informing people to not commit sexual assault, while the creators of the Women's March were decidedly more pointed.
"#RapeCulture is Bill Cosby planning town halls on how married men & male athletes can avoid sexual assault charges," The Women's March tweeted.