One right-winger calls marriage equality 'tragic,' while another likens homosexuality to trans fats.
November 08 2013 7:23 PM EST
November 17 2015 5:28 AM EST
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Marriage equality is "tragic," and homosexuality should be banned because, like trans fats, it's hazardous to human health.
Those are a couple of choice rants from right-wing commentators this week, spinning the news in their own special way.
In a blog post headlined "Random Thoughts on Tragic Marriage Vote," Illinois Family Institute "cultural analyst" Laurie Higgins wrote that by passing a marriage equality bill Tuesday, Illinois lawmakers "have expanded the role of government in the lives of Americans, diminished religious liberty, rendered inevitable the legalization of plural unions, and harmed children in incalculable ways."
She also said legislators "have assured that public schools will teach about sexual perversion in positive ways to children from kindergarten on up" and claimed, "This close vote in this corrupt blue state may tell us that there are fewer Americans in love with this queer form of marriage than the press would have us believe."
Meanwhile, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer responded to the news that the Food and Drug Administration plans to phase out the use of trans fats by saying on a broadcast that the same reasoning could be used to "ban homosexuality ... it is a hazard to human health. Watch below, courtesy of Right Wing Watch.