Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore and longtime anti-abortion and antigay activist Randall Terry think the U.S. is on the verge of a new revolution or civil war -- over marriage equality.
The nation's founders "would be incensed" at the U.S. Supreme Court's marriage equality ruling, Moore said in an interview posted on Terry's website Monday.
Terry responded, "They would not only be incensed, but they started a war over taxation, and this is like, we're gonna make the colonies into Sodom and Gomorrah." (Terry, by the way, was the father of a gay son, Jamal, who died in an auto accident in 2011.)
Moore further asserted that the high court's decision is forcing Americans to "accept evil" and "condone sodomy."
Today's situation is comparable to what the American colonies faced in 1776, Moore said. He then quoted a passage from the Declaration of Independence about the king of England establishing "an absolute tyranny," and he and Terry agreed that the U.S. Supreme Court could be substituted for the king and the passage would still be true today.
Moore also said state officials should not go along with the ruling, because "if the decision contradicts the Constitution, it's not law." As he has previously, Moore invoked Nazi war criminals as an example of people who followed what he considers similarly immoral orders, this time throwing in the Vietnam War's My Lai massacre for good measure.
Watch some clips below, courtesy of Right Wing Watch, and find more at that site. The full interview is at Terry's site, Voice of Resistance.